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Marine Biogeochemistry Lab - June 2023

From left to right: Hanif, Nicole, Meléa, Noah, Jen, Laramie (honorary labmate), Colette, Karen

Karen Casciotti

Victoria and Roger Sant Director (Earth Systems Program), Professor of Earth System Science and Oceans, and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

I am an Professor in Stanford’s department of Earth System Science. I am a chemical oceanographer, and have participated in research cruises to the Pacific, Indian, and Southern Oceans. My research is focused on how marine chemistry and biology interact to control the availability of nitrogen for marine life. In addition, I teach courses in Marine Chemistry, Marine Stable Isotopes, and Nitrogen in the Marine Environment. When not on the job, I enjoy tinkering, hiking, and exploring with my family.

Noah Gluschankoff

Ph.D. student in Earth System Science

I'm a PhD student in the Casciotti lab using natural abundance isotopic measurements of N2O to understand its cycling and transport. My research spans the Eastern Tropical South Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone, the Central South Pacific, the North American West Coast, and San Francisco Bay.

Hanif Sulaiman 

Ph.D. student in Earth System Science

I'm interested in the marine nitrogen cycle, particularly in nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas that plays a key role in stratospheric ozone destruction. I'm focused on delineating nitrous oxide's accumulation (production-consumption) pathways in various oceanographic regions.

Meléa Emunah 

Ph.D. student in Oceans

I analyze the isotopic composition of nitrous oxide in seawater and in microbial culture samples with a focus on understanding the microbial hybrid production mechanism. My own project (starting in Spring 2023) will probe microbial nitrous oxide production in the Benguela Upwelling System.

Luke Calderaro 

Ph.D. student in Oceans                                                                                  Contact:           

I am a graduate student in the Casciotti lab. My previous work in the Gulf of Mexico's "dead zone" motivates my interests in microbial metabolisms and their roles in the marine nitrogen cycle, particularly within oxygen deficient zones.

Lev Romashkov

Ph.D. student in Oceans                                                                                  Contact:

I’m a PhD student in the Casciotti lab using modeling techniques to study the marine nitrogen cycle, specifically the production of nitrous oxide in oxygen minimum zones. My current research involves developing a ROMS-based model of the Benguela current incorporating isotope effects in nitrous oxide that tell us about the microbial nutrient cycling processes that produced it. Our lab measures these isotope effects from seawater samples, creating a rich opportunity to link observational data and modeling. More broadly, I’m interested in feedbacks between climate change (for example the expansion of oxygen-deficient zones) and the nitrogen cycle and vice versa, which Earth system models with sophisticated nutrient cycling processes can help us to understand.

Hannah McGoran 

Undergraduate student in Civil and Environmental Engineering / Masters student in Mechanical Engineering

I am an undergraduate student in the Casciotti lab interested in using isotopes and biogeochemical data to understand the cycling of nitrous oxide in the Pacific Ocean. My current focus is the Eastern Tropical South Pacific and surrounding regions.

Jen Karolewski 

Physical Science Research Professional 1, Oceans

I'm the lab manager of the Casciotti group, which is to say that I try my best to keep all our instruments happy and running reliably. I also do my best to keep our group members happy by baking up lots of yummy treats in my spare time. 

Former lab members:


  • Alyson Santoro, Postdoctoral Scholar and Investigator, WHOI (December 2008 - April 2011), Currently: Associate Professor, UC Santa Barbara
  • Jagruti Vedamati, Postdoctoral Researcher, Stanford (March 2014 - March 2015)
  • Taylor Martin, Postdoctoral Investigator, Stanford (July 2018 - February 2019), Currently: Oceanographer at King County, WA
  • Avanti Shrikumar, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Stanford (September 2020 - September 2022)

Graduate students:

  • Daniel Rogers, PhD. Graduated June 2010, MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Chemical Oceanography. Currently: Associate Professor, Stonehill College
  • Erin Banning, PhD. Graduated June 2010, MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Biological Oceanography. Currently: Founder, Farming for Tomorrow, LLC
  • Caitlin Frame, PhD. Graduated February 2011, MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Chemical Oceanography. Currently: Clean Energy Leadership Institute Fellow
  • Carolyn Buchwald, PhD. Graduated September 2012, MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Chemical Oceanography.  Currently: Assistant Professor, Dalhousie University
  • Brian Peters, PhD. Graduated November, 2016, Stanford ESS. Currently: Project Evaluation Officer, Amigos for Christ, Nicaragua
  • Taylor Martin, PhD. Graduated May, 2018, Stanford ESS. Currently: Oceanographer at King County, WA
  • Heidi Hirsh, PhD. Graduated December, 2020, Stanford ESS. Currently: Postdoctoral Investigator, NOAA
  • Patrick Monreal, MS/BS. Graduated June, 2022, Stanford ESS. Currently: PhD student, University of Washington
  • Colette Kelly, PhD. Graduated May, 2023, Stanford ESS. Currently: Postdoctoral Scholar, WHOI
  • Nicole Travis, PhD. Graduated May, 2023, Stanford ESS. Currently: Postdoctoral Researcher, UH Manoa
  • Andrew Hennig, PhD. Graduated June, 2024, Stanford ESS. Currently: Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Virginia

Undergraduate researchers:

  • Jacquelin Chen (CSU Long Beach), Stanford SURGE program, summer 2022
  • Karen Gutierrez (UC San Diego), Stanford SURGE program, summer 2019
  • Jaclyn Pittman (San Diego State) Stanford SURGE program, summer 2017
  • Carlos Miranda (FSU), Stanford guest student researcher, summer 2015
  • Emilie Dirck (CSU Monterey Bay), Stanford SURGE program, summer 2015
  • Cathleen Turner (University of New Hampshire), Stanford SURGE program, 2011
  • Timothy Santos, Stanford SES Undergraduate Research Program, 2011
  • Cara Manning (University of Victoria), WHOI Summer Student Fellow, 2009
  • Carolyn Buchwald (MIT), WHOI Summer Student Fellow, 2006

High School Students:

  • Connery Wood, Stanford SES High School Intern Program, 2016 and 2017
  • Leo Page-Blau, Stanford SES High School Intern Program, 2014
  • Charlotte Philip, Stanford SES High School Intern Program, 2013
  • Anna Leschen-Lindell, Falmouth Academy Science Fair Project, 2006

Lab Managers/Research Staff:

  • Gert van Dijken. Currently: Stanford University, Stanford, CA 
  • Anabelle Baya. Currently: University of Laval, Quebec, Canada
  • Matt Forbes. Currently: Klohn Crippen Berger, Brisbane, Australia
  • Matt McIlvin. Currently: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts